Fly in the Sky with a Beautiful Glider

Physical Education (Sunday May 11th 2014)

We can choose an activity for a Physical Education(PE). I took glider and we have taken many theoretical lessons during the semester(10 times). But finally it is time to get on a glider and take off into the sky!!!

in the glider (tandem with a real pilot) with a emergency parashute on my back(blue)

Low Pass!

I am the one who is flying with on-board camera :)
First towed and then released and fly by its own. Release is around 2:30.

I was in the cockpit but I was just a passenger. Everything was done by the real pilot on the back. They said he was a professional pilot acutally in a commercial airline. I felt he was really experienced and I never felt any danger in the sky even we took a low pass.

Landing(quietly touch down!)

Glider does not have its own engine or any other equivalent. It needs a tow(airplane) when it takes off. Once up in the sky, the leading airplane release us and the glider can fly its own. They said it requires an experience to find a "thermo"(Low pressure and so-called Upstream and air goes up in the area), which gives a glider an altidude again.

Take off!

Gliding on its own :)

Pecs Regional Airport

When we took a low pass, we went down a little bit sharply and that is how our potential energy will be turned into kinetic energy. When we passed thorugh just over the head of people, we can hear the sound of friction. I think that was when we flied the fastest. Then the speed of kinetic energy will be changed into potential energy and we gain altitude again.

Additionally In the lecture we learned how a wing works (why airplane floats in the air), what kind of meters we have in the cockpit and how they work(they are not digital but analogue and they work in a principle of physics). Also they taught us about their glider competition. These are interesting, but it does not look like PE at all, but rather lectures...

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