
Mission Speak-up!

SWY Pre-Departure English Capacity Building

  1. Our Mission
  2. Members

    We will focus mainly on verbal communications like speaking and listening.
  3. Background
  4. The practical communication language on the ship is English. For example, Course Discussion, one of core activities, will be held completely in English. It includes lecture and discussion. Eerybody is supposed to dedicate him/herself to the activity at their best to make it better.

    OPYs show their opinion voluntarily and eagerly as if it is nothing but usual, while JPYs find it quite difficult to follow suit as if they have never done it before. OPYs would expect us to do the same as they do. That is why OPYs complain about our less contribution as Koishi said in SWY18 Reporting Session on June 18 2006 at Tokyo.

    We Japanese are educated neither to speak up voluntarily nor to use English practically (but rather sit silent?). We just need practice of this challenge, as the proverb says. Additionally, we need to get used to the World Standard attitude toward discussion, which is you are expected to show your best at discussion.

  5. Who join?
  6. Mainly those who learn English constantly. Since we are focusing on discussion, you would need to try really hard if you haven't learn it regularly. But don't worry, if you make up your mind and learn hard, then there would be a way and chance to speak up!
  7. Rules
  8. Schedule
  9. We will have four sessions before on-ship program, a session every two months.

  10. Basic Routine in a session.
  11. We will have 2 or 3 hours for each session.

    1. Agenda propossal. 10 minutes.
    2. We will decide what to be discussed on the day.
    3. 2 minutes speech. 20 minutes.
    4. You have 2 minutes to present yourself, if you want. Then take time for Questions and Answers.
    5. Discussion Topic No.1. 60 minutes.
    6. Discussion Topic No.2. 70 minutes.
    7. We will have a couple of themes to discuss. After each discussion we will have 10 minutes break.
    8. Evaluation. 20 minutes.
    9. The topic was useful? English level was appropriate? Everybody enjoyed? We need to fix anything?
    10. Preparation for the next session. 10 minutes.

  12. Contact Information
  13. If you are interested in this session, feel free to contact with me, FK. (psauxw@yahoo.no-spam.co.jp.) If you have a nice topic to discuss, you can also propose it to us.

© KOBAYASHI Fumiaki, 2006.