The Opening Ceremony

September 2nd 2013

Summary: Very Formal. The rector, the Dean and other faculity members kindly celebrate our admission to the university. All Freshman join in formal wears; from Hungarean, International, German Programs. It takes place in the hall of the main building of Medical School.

Opening Ceremony

The rector, the Dean and other higher faculity members participate. All Freshmen face them and make an auth. Around 250 freshmen from each language program. It started from 16:30 and took about an hour.

I, ______(Your Name), student of the University of Pecs Medical School, solemnly promise to respect the rules of this University and the Medical School. I will pay due reverence to all the tutours and other staff members of the University. I will always behave in a way worthy of the name of the student of this University. I will conduct my studies to the best of my abilities. I vow to respect all patients' human diginity. I will never break their confidence or disclose their secrets. With all my efforts I will familiarize myself with the latest accomplishments in the medical sciences so as to make a highly qualified professional of great erudition.

In the Dean's speach we are officially informed that students come from 66 countries.

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