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Study Medicine at Univiversity of Pecs in Hungary

Nothing is difficult when you have determined to do it.

Furture Doctors (Neuroanatomy Group2) April 29, 2015

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Education, Academic and School related issues.
  1. Application for Addmission/Entrance Exam/Before Admission
  2. Medical school begins!
  3. School system, School life
  4. General Information: how does the school life go?
  5. Subjects
    1. Physiology
    2. Summary: Physiology is also generally terrible in their teaching. Lecture, labs, exams almost everything is bad. only Lab topics are not bad, but their implementation is horrible. They are very stingy about exam questions; they are taking every measure to hide their questions. They disclosed that 33% failed at physiology 1 in English language course, which is high.
    3. Dissection
    4. Summary: Dissection is a subject to disassemble and observe a cadaver(a real human body) with a scapel and forcep. I think a real human body is used for this purpose only in medical school.
    5. BioPhysics
    6. Summary: Generally it is good enough. But Compared to Biology and Chemistry, the subject does not reach their level. As a good feature, their labs are good and even better than Biology and Chemistry. The book was also unexpectedly good.
    7. Biology (Molecular Cell Biology)
    8. Summary: As a whole, it is really good. Especially Prof. Szeberenyi's lectures were great and one of the best lectures I have ever had; straight forward, concise although the content he is teaching is not easy; It is him that sounds everything easier. Brief Notes called Syllabus edited by him was useful. Seminar was quite helpful. Only Labs were not so good.
    9. Introduction to BioChemistry
    10. Summary:Their teaching is generally good, except for lectures. Exams are in written form, which is rare in Hungary. Their book Organic and biooragnic chemistry written by Hungarian was good unexpectedly.
    11. Anatomy and Histology
    12. Summary: Our bad test results are not only because we are lazy, obviously their teaching is bad. I don't understand the school, and even ministry of education in Hungary, leave this inefficiency without taking any measures. I sometimes feel they even intentionally fail/downgrade us.
    13. Fluorescent Mouse: an genetically modified organism
    14. Summary: They are Fluorescent mice, genetically modified organism in a secret chamber in Univ of Pecs Medical School, Hungary.

      Fluorescent Mouse: a genetically modified organism

  6. My opinion and Complaint about education here in Hungary
  7. Extra-Curricular life
  8. My Achivements, Grades, etc

Vacations: Another passion of mine is travelling!

Where should I go next... I can not wait!

Study Material

Profile: Who am I?
I am now living in Pecs, Hungary. I am Japanese. I came here to become an international doctor. I am learning Medicine at University of Pecs Medical School(UP-MS). I have a Buchelor of Science and Master of Science respectively. My major was Computer Science. I worked for a private company as a researcher in Tokyo and lived in Yokohama, next to Tokyo, before I came here. My another passion is travelling; Hungary is my approximately 50th country to visit :)

CHOICE: That is how it began.
There is such a choice; if you take it, your life will be yours, but if you don't, whatever the reason is, your life will not be yours anymore and somehow you know you will regret you did not take the choice for the rest of your life. Such choice for me is becoming a doctor. -- Quaotation from the Opening of my Letter of Motivation --

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since July 2013.