Admission procedure:

Transfer to Semmelweis University

Below is in case of 2015 and from my personal experience.

  1. How to apply:
  2. Process
  3. No exam. Screening is done by the submitted documents only.

  4. The result
  5. The result came really quick in my case. I received the official result the next day I submitted all the necessary documents.

(FootNote): I transferred from University of Pecs to Semmelweis from the 3rd year. Note: some people start all over from 1st year at Semmelweis after they gave up another Hungarian University, my case is not such. I am continuing my study from 3rd year, not 1st year.

Sharing is Caring :)

There were 20 people accepted as 3rd year transferred stundents in the year of 2015/2016. Two students from Debrecen, eleven from Szeged, seven people from Pecs. (the number of students from each school might be slightly different.) (Footnote)

There were 20 transfer students as 3rd year students.
Name of university# of students
Szeged 11
Pecs 07
sum 20

Contact: If you have any questions or opinions, please feel free to contact me by filling your e-mail address below. I will contact back with you very soon. Thank you! :-)

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