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Rotation Guide of Semmelweis University

For Erasmus and 6th year Rotation

  1. Preface
  2. Congratulations for gaining opportunity to do clinical practice in the Semmelweis Univerisity.

    Semmelweis University, Basic Science Building, the Entrance.
    ("Egyetem" means University in Hungarian Language.)

  3. Difference from Japan
  4. There are a couple of big differences to know before you come here and choose your departments.
    1. Scattered Campus: There are more than 10 hospital complex throughout the city of budapest. eg. You will not see any urology patients if you go to Cardiovascular center, since these are located in a different places. It is common that you will take more time to get the right place on the day 1, if you don't know where exactly you are supposed to go.
    2. Transplant: They have "opt-out" policy in the contrast to "opt-in" in Japan; Thus there are much more transplant cases in Hungary. They also use cadeveric organs, too; which increases the number of cases. There is a department of transplant surgery where kidney, liver, pancreas translant take place. Heart transplants take place cardiovascular center. Lung transplants have just began in the national institute of oncology.
    3. Cardiovascular diseases are more common in Hungary due to fatty foods; It is the most common causes of death in Hungary, compared to oncological diseases which comes to the top in Japan.
    4. Generally Hungarian doctors in Semmelweis speaks English better than doctors in Japan. Study English terminology better, then you will have a good time.
    5. Remember that Hungary has their own language. Usually elderly patients do NOT speak English like elderly Japanese patients.
    6. More individual basis. Doctors probably do not care about how long you stay the hospital.
    7. They commonly do autopsy in pathology Dept and forensic medicine, if you are interested in these area.

  5. Recommended Departments
    1. 5 to 1: 5 is the best.
    2. The criteria is education and their fasiclity; eg. new building.
    3. Low level means you probably have more free time; thus you can be relaxed and take a trip in a free time.
    4. Note: The closest station to the dorm is Klinika.
    A001CardioVascular Center 54Buda cardiology, cardiovasuclar surgery
    A002National Institute of Oncology 55Buda
    A003National Institute of NeuroScience 55Americai Neurology, neurosurgery
    A004Defense Army Hospital 54Arpad(Metro3) trauma, cardiology, etc
    B004Uzoki Trauma Center 44Americai2 Trauma, Orthopedics, Cardiology and many others
    B005Ophthalmology 43Corvin -
    B005Dermatology 43Corvin Venereology(Sexual Transmitted Diseases)
    C001Obs/Gyn 1st dept 43Corvin Infertility Treatment
    C001surgery 1st dept 43Klinika General, plastic, endocrine surgery
    C001surgery 2nd dept 32Buda, Kutvugyi
    C001Pulmonology 33Buda: Szent Janos
    C001Radiology 34Klinika
    C001Urology 33Klinika
    C001Transplant Surgery 33Corvin
    C001Orthopedics 34Klinika
    D001Infectology 22Szent Laszlo
    D002Neurology 32Klinika
    D002Emergency Medicine 33Klinika
    D002Pediatrics: 1st Department 23Klinika
    D002Pediatrics: 2nd Department 23Corvin2
    D002Psychiatry 22Klinika
    D002Internal Medicine 1st 23Klinika Nephrology, Hematology
    D002Internal Medicine 2nd 23Corvin GI, endocrinology
    D002Internal Medicine 3rd 22Buda: hematology, infectology
    D002Family Medicine 23Buda
    E001Forensic Medicine 12Klinika2

    Hostpital Complex
    1. CVC: cardiovascular center
    2. National Institute of NeuroScience.
    3. National Institute of Oncology.
    4. Corvin
    5. Klinika: The basic science building.
    6. Kalvin
    7. Szent Laszlo Hospital

  6. Life in Hungary
    1. Foods and Drinks
    2. Currensy Exchange with a good rate
    3. Summer Time
    4. No Earthquake!

    1. Don't forget to buy a monthly pass; it is valid for the whole public transport in Budapest, including metro, bus, tram. Transport fee is not dependent on the distance you travel(so it is not like Japan). It is valid for the whole area. The price of 1 month pass is 3,450Ft if you have a Hungarian student card (paper vrsion will do), and 9,500Ft if you don't. Hungarian version of student certificate/card is a must. They do NOT accept international student card, unfortunately.
    2. Also some publlic transports run 24 hours except Metro. It is also very convenient.

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Since 2018/10/25.