$Id: tmu.html 3 2021-10-01 20:32:43Z doctor $

Sister Schools: Semmelweis and TMU

Nothing is difficult when you have determined to do it.

Achievements Presentation in the last week.
Three Students from Taiwan, two from Hungary, With Professor Ikeda.
Tokyo Medical University, October 2018.

Semmelweis University and Tokyo Medical University are sister schools each other. I am a Semmelweis University student who went to TMU. I recommend Hungarian Medical Students joining Erasmus Program in TMU. I can give some information about Departments in Semmelweis University for TMU students, who will come to Budapest as an Exchange.

  1. For Hungarian University Students who apply for the Exchange program.
  2. For TMU students who will come to Budapest.
Other Activities between the two institutes.
  1. The TMU students visit Budapest :)
  2. 2017: student experiences about an exchange program at tokyo medical university
  3. 2017: staff exchange program organized at semmelweis university for the administrative participants of tokyo medical university
Maybe these could be used for your application form :)

The TMU students visit Budapest :) April 2019.

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