$LastModified: 2017-03-04 01:06:40Z $

Transplant of Liver, July 20, 2017

Summer Practice 2017: Surgery.

Surgeon in Danger.

A splash of blood covered one glass of the surgeon's glasses. The patient has HCC due to liver cirrhosis, which is caused by *HCV*. HCC: HepatoCellular Carcinoma(Liver Cancer) HCV: Hepatitis C Virus. The blood could be contaminated with HCV.

The patient has been infected with HCV for more than 20 years. IFN mono-therapy did not work. Resistant to IFN + Ribavirin combination therapy too. Exviera and Viekirax (New Drug combination) turns it negative in 2017.

Rx: Liver Transplant. 1AM - 8AM. Super-tired. It happened around 7:00AM, 24 hours since we started to work from the day before and 6 hours since operation started.

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