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Study Medicine in Semmelweis University

Budapest, Hungary

The Last Lecture of Medical School(Gynacology and Obstetrics Lecture), May 18, 2018
"Let the people's health be the supreme law."

Santa Claus visits Pediactrics Department, Semmelweis University, December 2017.

  2. Please Read these First, before you get into details below. You will get a bigger picture. It is always true "do not get lost in details before you get a big picture." Especially in Medical School. Details just "accumulate" on the base or the overall impression summarized below.

    Dear Applicant 2019, Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary.

  3. Contents
  4. I have just been transferred from Pecs to Budapest as a 3rd year student.

    1. Opening Ceremony
    2. This is the Opening Ceremony of 2016 at the Budapest Congress Center. It was 2 hours from 10am to 12pm.

      Opening Ceremony

      Professors entering lead by Hungarian National Flag

    3. Orientation for 1st year students
    4. This is an Orientation for 1st year students, which is held by ISAS(International Student Association of Semmelweis).


    5. Nationalities of Students
    6. More details are in the link. Click it if you are interested.

      Nationality of students

    7. Pass Rate of 1st semester(1st year)
    8. summary: Pass-rate of Anatomy is roughly 50% (or less). Pass-rate combined (other subjects such as chemistry, physics considered) should be even less.

    9. Comparison between Semmelweis and Pecs
    10. summary: Semmelweis is just another Hungarian University. But it is located in Budapest, a bigger city, so life is easier, for example, there are more copy shops which opens until 19:00 at least, others open until 21:00 and on Saturday too. In pecs, copy shops close at 17:00 and on Saturday; which is very inconvenient.

      Pathology Department1: May 14, 2016 before final exam.

    11. Empty Library after exam period (July 03, 2016)
    12. During exam period, it is completely opposite; No vacancy, literally. And exam period ends, and there is no one literally. (Exactly the same in Pecs.)

      Empty Library after exam period.

    13. Heart Transplant
    14. Finally I saw a heart transplant! It was The best Sunday I have ever had. I thought I should not die without seeing one.

      Immediately after revival of the heart; ischemic signs(ST elevation) due to a 3 hours ischemia, BP not pulsating due to CPB(cardio-pulmonary bypass).

    15. Summer Practice: Internal Medicine(July 2016)
    16. We have a summer practice of internal medicine during the summer after 3rd year. It is interesting that your knowledge which you have just learned in pathology, pathophysiology, microbiology can be applied in hospital.

      Case of Atrial Fibrillation

    17. Summer Practice: General Surgery(Jul 2017)
    18. We have a summer practice of General Surgery during the summer after 4th year. It is very intersting to observe surgeries and sometimes assist operations.

      Operation of Congenital Left Ventricular Hypoplasia

    19. Erasmus: University of Helsinki in Finland, Faculty of Medicine(Sept 2017)
    20. Summary: It was a great experience. It is highly recommended to join Erasmus program at University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine. Although I have not joined another university, it would be also nice if it is another university. You can make a good comparison between two medical schools, host and your own schools. for example, I found Helsinki is much more well-organized than Semmelweis in general in education.

      Cathedral of Helsinki, just down from the Main Campus. Sept 2017.

    21. Grades: results of doing my best 5th semester:
      1. Grades of 09th semester.(5th year)
      2. Grades of 08th semester.(4th year)
      3. Grades of 05th semester.(3th year)

      Grades of 09th semester!

    22. 5th year
    23. We have only clinical subjects, not any basic subjects any more. For example, we have internal medicine, surgery, traumatolgy, family medicine, emergency medicine, anesthesiology, pediatrics, neurology, gynecology/obstetrics, forensic medicine and so on. These are put in so-called block-system, which is very different from 4th year and under. It is a bit similar to rotations; we have a half day clinical practice focusing on a subject and we have lectures in the other half day.
    24. 6th year
    25. It is the last year and a year of rotations. It begins ealier than 5th year and under. There are many teaching hospitals in the world. Students tend to go back to their countries and take rotations there. Countries are spread to 21 countries according to the list of approved instituions.

      You have to arrange everything by yourself, which takes time. Also you have to take all final exams in Hungary, which means you have to come back and forth between your country and Hungary. Prepare for your money.

  5. For semmelweis students

    Ice Cream in Summer. (After final exams)

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