
March 2015.

Summary: Physiology is also terrible in their teaching. Lecture, labs, exams almost everything is bad. only Lab topics are not bad, but their implementation is horrible. They are very stingy about exam questions; they are taking every measure to hide their questions. They disclosed that 33% failed at physiology 1 in English language course, which is high. I think that Poor quality of teaching is largely responsible for this high rate of failure.

I think they have a long history of teaching but they don't seem to have an intention to improve their teaching. They disclosed that 33% failed at physiology 1 in English language course, meaning 33% of students need to REPEAT the YEAR. I think it is high enough to make them think something is wrong in their teaching and that they should think of how they could decrease the rate.

There are very easy and good solutions if they have an aim to think and change the situation. For example, give an elective course for reviewing the subject(like in biology, biophysics), at the beginning of every lab give a small test whose result is counted in the final mark(like in chemistry), give an elective course of question solving. I think These simple solutions improve our performance significantly as happened in other subjects. Especially The last one is practically a good solution for preparation of the exam because I find I don't understand things properly during the exam. This would not happen if we have checked our understanding by solving exam-like-questions before.

Lecture: Especially monotone voice by a couple of teachers "repels" students; students intentionally avoid and be absent from these teacher's lecture. They also tend to miss the "big" picture.

Note: Somehow neuroanatomy lecture attracts students and the lecture hall is usually almost full. That is a good contrast to physiology.

Also compared to Dr. Nageev's lecture the quality of their lecture is very low. For example, kidney, cerebellum; Dr. Nageev is a professional to input the most important thing into our brain clearly and structurally, on the contrary almost nothing important left in our brain after our lecture(some are left but with no whole picture.)

Lab: There are too many lab topics; we can not finish all the labs in time and properly. Lab sheets usually have many blanks left after the lab, sometimes they are almost completely empty. This level of horrible thing happens only in physiology, never in biophysics nor in biochemistry. That is really irritating so that I complained several times that they need to take a measure for us to complete all the labs properly. Actually the problem is I feel they don't care we finish our labs properly or not. As a whole this terrible implementation should definitely be changed. For example, if they check our worksheet and sign on it after each lab, they will find we don't finish many labs properly. Actually this "checking the results" is done in biophysics lab, and biophysics lab works much better.

Also they don't have enough apparatus for all students. Only a couple of students work and others don't care, like playing smart phones. Lab explanation document is also poor in quality. for example, they don't have even the purpose of the experiment. That bad. Although I think they think they give a good enough document. They don't collect nor seriously take opinions from students, that is why this level of poor quality happens.

Even teachers recommend us copying the results from other students. Only they don't use the term "copy", they use "share" like share the results. The outcome is the same whichever term is used. Students only copy the result without understanding anything, which irritates me very much because I would like to understand why the results are so and find whether our results match to our expectation/theory.

The most horrible is, they don't change anything, even after we complained these things. Students' irritations about their teaching reached a peak after the horrible results of the midterm last semester. We complained many things like above, but nothing is changed even the new semester now begun.

Exam questions: they are very stingy about sample questions. I think they should be more kind and generous about sample questions, then we can check our understanding through solving these questions. They are now taking every measure to intentionally hide questions. For example, they make us solve some (10 or so sample questions during a lab, but questions are only on a screen; and they got furious when we tried to take a photo. We can not understand why they are trying so hard to get rid of questions from our hand, even though these are just sample questions and very small number. A set of as few as 20 or so questions is officially uploaded. We obviously need more to prepare for the exam! We have a chance to check our exam result under strict "monitoring", in 10 minutes; I just wanted to review uncertain questions and also learn from my mistakes but 10 minutes are not enough to cover all questions. I felt 10 minutes is also set to prohibit the question leaks. Note: Exam is multiple-choice questions with, say, 6-7 choices per question.

Note: There is nothing personal; Each individual teacher is good in nature. They do their jobs, only in poor quality, and there is much room to improve, if they give an ear to listen to students' opinion and if they have an intention to decrease the failure rate. This kind of poor quality indicates lack of leadership; if a proper leadership exists, the situation would have been improved a long time ago.

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