Molecular Cell Biology 1 and 2

May 2014

Summary: As a whole, it is really good. Especially Prof. Szeberenyi's lectures were great and one of the best lectures I have ever had; straight forward, concise although the content he is teaching is not easy; It is him that sounds everything easier. Brief Notes called Syllabus edited by him was useful. Seminar was quite helpful. Only Labs were not so good.

Feature: The book was really good(832 page thick though). The lecture is basically following the book. Through these 2 subjects in 1 year, almost the whole book is covered. If you see the book index, then you will understand what will be taught in the two subjects.

They take questionares from students several times. I think that is how they develped their teaching system. I strongly think Antaomy Department should follow the suit.

Lectures: Prof. Szeberenyi's lectures were great and one of the best lectures I have ever had; straight forward, concise although the content he is teaching is not easy; It is him that sounds everything easier. He uses blackboard instead of powerpoint, which is good and much better than powerpoint way.

Seminar: Sminar is a lecture in a (much) smaller group. It was also quite helpful to understand because we can ask questions more easily than in Lecutres due to its samll group nature.

Lab: Labs were not so good because of less hands-on experience; labs without hands-on are meaningless. For example we just saw the devices of column chromatography only we did not do antying but just saw. Also we did not do Norther blotting but just see the devices with explanations. It would be better if we had hands-on experience.

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