Low Quality Service by Student Support Staff

Studnet Service Center and Registar's Office

Summary: On the contrary to the quality of lecture, the Quality of Service by Student Support Staff is unallowablly low; when information flow, general management, proactiveness, communications between teams etc are considered. I think this happens because they don't have any checking system on their service as this usually happens in beurocracy. therefore some supervising or evaluation system is required so that they are supervised or evaluated constantly and therefore their service will be improved. Current state is not good for the aspect of school reputation.

Student Support Service is essential for us foreiners but on the contrary to the quality of lecture, the quality of student support staff is low; Better than nothing though. They are not volunteer they are paid and professional. They, namely student service center and Register's office, need to satisfy customer's needs. They are kind enough to do something we asked; But they don't do anything other than asked.

I think that these words represents their problems. Their Problems I found are

A good and typical example is incomplete information of classroom venues; we are so stressed out we have to find a classroom everytime. Every student asks somebody where "any subject" takes place. This happens to everyone and every subject. This is totally inefficient. Not only inefficient but actually it causes practical problems. Being late often happened because they were searching the room. And even worce, absenses also sometimes happened because they could not find the place. It should be taken care of because it should not happen that student could not attend the class simply because they don't know where they should go. Student should definitely be informed better.

I think if supporting staff are proactive enough, they found informing students enough is their job. They should collect infromation about EVERY CLASSROOM and inform us. Then we don't need to be late or absent any class because of lack of whereabout information.

Well, Student service center knew this problem from the past experience; every student has troubles to find a room. But they did not do anything. What they did is that they just put a paper on their door; "We don't direct classrooms one by one." VERY KIND. This indicates they know their customers needs but they don't focus on it; it is called unprofessional.

I don't know I have to say more details of what they should do, just in case I will elaborate. First sorry for them but it will bring more jobs to the support staff, because they have to collect information from every department and summarize the information in a place. Maybe it will take ten hours since many departments are involved. And then inform us.

we are 300 students and each of us is taking, say, an hour (actually more) for finding classrooms; so if you add up the whole hours it is like 300 hours. Ten hours to 300 hours; it should be their job if we would like to be efficent. Now every one of us is trying to find a place one by one, which is totally inefficient.

From my horrible personal experience, they are just trying to throw the problem each other instead of soloving the problem; if we go to the student service center, they just tell us to go to Regisar's office because it is education matter and then if we go to the Registar's office they don't know anything about details. They should work together to solove this problem. Nobody is taking the responsibility. That is why this problem happens and never disolved.

Well, they threw the task EGSC(English German Student Council). They organized a campus tour. You can see how messy that was here. Somebody have to take the responsibility toward this problem; Especially Freshman have a big problem to find each classroom.

I won't say details but if I take another example, what I think is completely wrong is Student Card issue. Its obtaining procedure is unbelievably and absurdly more complicated than it should be. This problem should also their matter and if they tackle for us sutdents then it would be more simple and efficient.

If you know about Biochemisty, It is like making life with Silicon instead of Carbon; Carbon atom can get close enough to overlap another carbon atom thus they can make a strong bond but Silicon can not get closer enough to overlap. Some overlapping part is neccessary for an organization to work properly. Student Service Center and Registar's Office should have some overlapping part and tackle the problem together. Don't just throw us to another person.

I thought that somebody have to complain this officially. They are paid but they don't present us (their customers) good enough value. In a private company, customers will leave them and eventually they would be fired.

On the contrary, the quality of lecture maintains very high. I am wondering how this occured. Does any checking system exist? If so, the same method can be applied to the supporting staff. Then this problem will be solved very soon.

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