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Life in Hungary

I lived in Pecs, Hungary for 2 years then I moved to and live in Budapest. I am a Japanese and studying medicine in Hungary.

Szeceny Square, Pecs.

  1. 1st things Good to know
    1. Foods and Drinks: Try Gulyas soup and Palinka(strong alcohol). These are very traditional Hungarian food and drink. Also try Pizza and Gylos(Kebab). They are with really good prices generally.

      Gulyas: Hungarian Soup

      Palinka: Hungarian alcohol

    2. Foreign Currency Exchange to Hungarian Forint in Budapest: Here is one of the best agents I found compared to dozen of agnets.
    3. Summer TimeWe have summer time in Hungary; 1 hour difference between Summer and Winter.
    4. Floor countWe count the number of floors from 0(Ground) and then 1, 2,.... and so on. There is 0(Ground) floor in Japan.
    5. EarthquakeThere is no earthquake in Hungary, which is good!
  2. General(Pecs and Budapest).
  3. Budapest(2015 Sept - Present)
  4. Pecs(2013 July - 2015 June)

Difference Between Japan and Hungary

I lived in Pecs, Hungary for 2 years then I moved to and live in Budapest. I am a Japanese and studying medicine in Hungary.
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