
Electro-Convulsive Therapy

Interesting Therapy

  1. General

  2. Quick summary of what I saw
  3. I could observe this interesting therapy twice.

    Somehow this therapy is performed in very early morning at 6:30.

  4. Detailed Method

  5. ECT device

    two electrodes

    The machine:

    One session needs 20 mins. 4 patients done in 1.5 hours. Procedure:
    1. You put two electrodes on the surface of skull.
    2. Give an "electric shock" in your brain.
    3. which induces the convulsions.
    4. For the seizure to be effective, it should last for 20 seconds.
    1. It is performed in a room in a ward.
    2. Muscle relaxant is necessary. (succinyl-colin, depolarizing agent, lasts 10mins).
    3. Monitor vitals: BP (it may reach 180/100 after seizure), HR, RR.
    4. put general anesthesia. (propofol)

  6. Notes
  7. Cases
    1. Monday, March 12th, 2018. There were 4 patients. But no patients has an effective seizure. One patient has a convulsion but it lasts only 10 secs, thus it is not long enough to be effective.
      1. refractory depression elderly. 4th time.
      2. agression: autism. young patient.
      3. patient with no diagnosis: elderly.
      4. (can not remember)
    2. Wednesday, March 14th, 2018. There were 4 patients. 3 seizures happened. two are long enough, 22 and 24 seconds respectively. One was 17 seconds. The last one no convulsion.
      1. refractory depression elderly. (5th time, 100%)
      2. agression: autism. yound patient2. (2nd time, 15%, 2nd time 25%)
      3. schizoaffective. (2nd time, 100%)
      4. agression: autism. 3rd time. young patient. I saw this patient in the closed ward. he hit his head occasionally.
  1. succynil cholin: muscle relaxtant, but twitching is visible.
  2. Update: 2019/01/01. Yes, this is a depolarizing muscle relaxant, meaning first depolarize muscles resulting twitch and then succynilcholine stays Ach Receptor and prevents the next Ach bind the Rceptor to activate it. That is how it relax the muscles. But it is a good observations!
  3. ?? Atropin prevents vagotomy? : an anesthesiologist said so, but still unclear.

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