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Study Medicine in Hungary

Nothing is difficult when you have determined to do it.

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  2. Summary(README FIRST)

    I had already had two degrees before I came to Hungary. My experiences in other universities than Hungarian include University of Helsinki medical school(Finland), University of Iowa(the US), and a graduate school in Japan. (Experiences in University of Helsinki was not before I came here in Hungary but it is after, but it would be a good comparison with Hungary.) This should be noted in the beginning, because this is my standard and this is my reference point. Hungarian Schools are compared with this (high) standard. If you are from a country with a different standard, your view might become different. Good and Bad is quite denends on a reference; good can be bad if you compared to the best one, while bad can be good if you compared to a worse one. Please keep this in your mind, while you are reading this site.

Dear Applicant 2019, Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary.

Table of Contents: Biggest Category

  1. Addmission: Application, Entrance Exam, Pre-Medical course. April 2013
  2. In 2013, I applied for a Hungarian Medical University and I am a medical student now! Here is information about admission procedure. eg. Direct application vs Via-Agent application, Entrance Examination, etc.

    Opening Ceremony

  3. ScholarshipThere is a quite good scholarship now. Previously medical schools were out of scope but they changed their policy and now medical schools are also covered. It is based on bilateral country agreement, which means whether you are eligible or not depends on where you are from. Sorry if your country is not mutual enough. Anyway, Don't miss it out! Just check it out anyway!

    Note: As of February 2018, Semmelweis University does not join the program, therefore you can NOT obtain this generous scholarship if you prefer this school.

  4. Medical School.
    1. University of Pecs
    2. I spent first 2 years (Year 2013/14, 2014/15) in Pecs. I had many experiences and I summarized them here. Eg. Pass rate, Medical School life, etc.

      Group 6 at the class of Hungarian Language, September 2013.

      Fluorescent Mouse: a genetically modified organism, Research.

    3. Transfer to Semmelweis University. July 2015
    4. At 3rd year I transferred to Semmelweis University, Budapest, from Pecs. This is a summary from my experience. I hope it would help you.
      1. Application,
      2. number of transferred students,
      3. Comparison between Semmelweis and Pecs
      4. and so on.

      There were 20 transfer students as 3rd year students.
      Name of university# of students
      Szeged 11
      Pecs 07
      sum 20

    5. Semmelweis Univeristy 2015/16 to present
    6. This is a page from my experience in Semmelweis. Nationalities of Students, etc.

      Pathology Department1: 2016/05/14 before final exam.

    7. Erasmus @ University of Helsinki Sept 2017
    8. Student Exchange Program @ Univeristy of Helsnki. Now it is open to Foreign Students from Semmelweis University.

      Cathedral of Helsinki, just down from the Main Campus.

  5. The 6th year: A year of Rotations!
  6. 6th year is a year of rotations. There are no classes anymore, but only clinical practices. It is good for me that we can join rotations abroad, too. Not only one place, but rather depends on your preferences and you can go to many places if you want, if the host hospital is accredited by Semmelweis Univeristy.
    1. Overseas Rotation 1 in Japan.
    2. Overseas Rotation 2 in Japan: Tokyo Medical University.

      Sky Restaurant, 52nd floor of a Skyscraper in Tokyo, with doctors from Dept of Cardivovascular Sugery.

    3. Overseas Rotation 3 in Israel. I wanted to visit Israel for a long time, because it is the country of Jews. Jews are one of the smartest peoples in the world. For example, Einstein, George Solos and so on.

      Pediatrics ICU

    4. Overseas Rotation 4 in the US.
    5. Research Overseas in the first class research center.
    6. Overseas Rotation 5 in the UK.
  7. Research
  8. Research activity is generally highly evaluated in Hungary. They say you are welcome! However...

    Diploma Work

  9. The National Board Exam 2019.
  10. After you completed all final exams in 6th year, you are entitled to take the National Board Exams. You will be a doctor finally once you passed this exam. The Board Exam consisted of three components.
    1. Written Exam: MCQs. 180 questions and 150 mins. It was held May 29th from 10:30 - 13:00. The exams are done nation-wide simultaneously. So it is not done only in Budapest, but in Pecs and other two universities, too.
    2. Oral Exam
    3. Practice Exam
    4. Diploma Work: Formerly diploma work is a part of Board Exams.

    The front page of National Board Exam: Written Part.

  11. Interesting Medical Cases
  12. Here is Interesting cases of medicine. For example,
    1. Transplant of Heart, Liver, Kidney
    2. IVF: In-Vitro Fertilization
    3. ECT: Electro-Convulsive Therapy
    4. IOL: Intra-Ocular Lens implantation for Congenital Cataract.
  13. Life in Hungary (with Comparison to Japan)

  14. Szeceny Square, Pecs.

  15. for Japanese in Japanese Language
  16. Vacation!
  17. We have a vacation after spring semester is over; summer vacation! (There is no break between Autumn and Spring semester.) It is really nice relaxed time!! (unless you have anything left; eg. anatomy final.)

Contact: If you would like to contact with me, please feel free to do so by filling your e-mail address below. I will contact back with you very soon. Thank you! :-)

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Since 20150901.
Last Modified on: $LastChangedDate: 2019-06-02 22:57:38 +0200 (Sun, 02 Jun 2019) $
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Last Modified by: $Author: doctor $