Ubuntu Quick Setup for Web Developper


  1. .xmodmap swap ctrl and caps_lock.
  2. apt-get.bash
  3. apt-get2.bash For additional tools
  4. setup_pub.bash
  5. userdir.conf
  6. setup_pub.bash
(To download: right click and save link as.)

  1. show logs during boot:
    1. Modify /etc/default/grub: delete "quiet" and "splash" on GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
    2. $ sudo update-grub
  2. Permanent .xmodmap
    1. Find "Check the bug report #1243642 (comment #6), and download it here."
    2. bug report #1243642 (comment #6)
    3. download it here.
    4. In my environment it is located publict_html/.init/. (thus "svn co" automatically download it.
    5. Add the script in "Startup Applications" in Gnome.

  1. install necessary software
  2. $ sudo apt update # for 18.04. (No apache2)
    $ sudo apt-get install apache2
    $ sudo apt-get install subversion
    $ sudo apt-get install emacs
    $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
    $ sudo apt-get install tcsh
    $ sudo apt-get install webalizer
  3. Home directory settings
  4. # download pub*.tgz and expand as public_html_co.old
    $ ln -s pub_bak/.init 
    $ ln -s pub_bak/.init/.ssh
    $ ln -s pub_bak/cgi-bin/script
    $ ln -s script/svn.sh
    # check out the latest repository. see. v3/.   v1 is old!
    $ ./script/svn-co.sh     
    # ssh setting
    # sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation
    $ cd .ssh
    $ chmod 600 id_rsa.* 
  5. apache2 setup on Ubutu
    #1. enable userdir.
    $ sudo a2enmod userdir
    $ sudo service apache2 restart
    #2. enable .htaccess in userdir
    $ ln -s public_html_co public_html
    $ sudo emacs /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf
    # enable CGI  
    $ sudo a2enmod cgid
    $ sudo service apache2 restart
  6. Webalizer settings
    # enable incremental analysis, and not only 1 day or two.
    # incremental yes
    $ sudo emacs /etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf
    # enable hostnameLookups
    # comment out: HostnameLookups On
    $ sudo emacs /etc/apach2/apache2.conf
    # cron setting for run /usr/bin/webalizer everyday at 11:35
    $ sudo apt-get install cron
    $ sudo emacs /etc/crontab
    # add 
    35 11   * * *   root    /usr/bin/webalizer
    $ sudo service cron restart
  8. Postfix settings
  9. See here.
  10. Language Settings:
    1. system settings -> language settings: automatically ask install language package? yes.
    2. Then choose: japanese. install. takes time sometimes. especially if you use a pendrive.
    3. Next time you login: add "Jappanese(actiy)" for your input in addition to "Japanese". Note: actiy for 14.04, Morz for 18.04.

  1. SSH via OpenVPN.
  2. vertical bar on console: $sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration.
  3. choose PC101 keyboard.

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