MacOS Setup

  1. Install
    1. Hackintosh
      • git: open terminal and type git. then install will be asked.
      • python3: download from python3 site. for ProperTree black screen.
      • ProperTree: $ git clone
      • mountEFI: $ git clone
      • brew (homebrew)
      • wget
    2. Developper's
      • Xcode.
    3. Jailbreak
      • checkra1n
    4. Emacs
    5. This is super convinient: Download this .emacs for swapping Command with Ctrl in emacs.
  2. Setup
    1. Emacs
      • Copy .emacs. # switch command to Ctrl.
    2. Keyboard Type: for JP-106 Keyboard (JIS)
    3. Karabiner-Elements:
      • Finder: Enter to Open
      • Finder: Del to move a file to trash. (etc)
    4. trackpad "tap to click".
    5. enable ssh: finder/application/setup/share/enable remote login
    6. Finder->preferences
      • General: show my pc
      • show all file extensions.
    7. Open a terminal from a terminal: $ open -a Terminal .
    8. It opens a terminal with the current directory.
  3. Shortcut shortcuts by
    1. show dot files: Command+Shift+.
    2. $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
    3. Jump to menubar: Ctrl+F2.
    4. task: CTRL+ALT+DEL = Command+Option(ALT)+ESC
    5. screenshot: Command+Shift+3 / Command + Shift + 4
    6. Change Keyboard: Ctrl + Space
    7. Run Terminal: Command + Space --> Terminal.
    8. Workspace
      • Show workspace: 3 finger tap and move upward
      • Switch workspace: Ctrl + left or right.
  4. Go to Home on Finder: Command+Shift+H.
  5. Rename select icon and then Enter. (F2 in Windows)

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