Let's Note: Internal HDD Exchange Upgrading to 2TB

  1. Background
  2. My internal HDD is full again. This is the 2nd time to exchange it; first time 320GB->1TB 2 years ago, and now 1TB->2TB. I bought ADATA HV620S this time and disassemlbe it to obtain an internal SATA disk. Basic processes are the same as the first time above. But it took 10 hours to clone the disk and it would have taken 3 times longer if I had not used the proper options on dd command, which was my first try and I quited it since it would take such a long time and googled to find a proper options.

  3. Clone Disk by dd command

  4. dd command result on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installation disk.

    It shows that cloning 1TB HDD took 36,999s, which is approximately 10 hours. It also shows my attempt to make it faster; the first try is 6MB/s and second try was 28MB even though it is with a option of 96M which apparently did not work, thus I downgraded it into 32MB to optimize it. (I read it somewhere that we need to optimize it.)

    Compare /dev/sda and /dev/sdc which is a mirror image of /dev/sda with another 1TB at the end.

    Boot it without problems. Everything is exactly the same only there is another 1TB space outside of the windows partition :) Even boot flags are the same; thus it is bootable. this is the purpose of using dd.

  5. expand the partition size by gparted

  6. after expanding the NTFS partition by gparted.

    Now I have 900GB free space for medical movies. (I am a medical student and its lecture movies are really comsuming disk spaces.)

    I spared 100GB for Linux system, which I don't know I really need, since ubuntu on pendrive is really practical and comfortable. Ubuntu on Virtualbox makes my windows extremely slow, thus it is more comfortable to use ubuntu on pendrive on another computer.

    It was successful and I am satisfied with this results :)

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