Let's Note: Internal HDD Exchange Upgrading to 1TB

  1. Background
  2. This page shows How to exchange an internal HDD of Let's Note(Panasonic Laptop PC) CF-S9. Let's note is one of the highest spec laptop. But HDD is getting full and probably thus it is getting slower. I had been thinking a need of hdd exchange.

    I am a medical student(I will become a doctor) and I have a lot of lecture movies which are big in size. These occupy the internal HDD.

  3. Hardware Exchange
  4. I decided to upgrade the internal HDD into 1TB. The original one was 240GB. I bought ADATA HV100-1T 2.5 inch 1TB USB external disk and disassemble it and obtain TOSHIBA 1TB SATA internal HDD.

    It is very easy to remove let's note HDD. You don't need to disassemlbe the PC. Just revmove the battery and remove the two screws and you can remove the internal HDD.

    Left: 1TB Toshiba HDD(New), Right: 240GB Hitachi HDD from Let's Note(Original)

  5. Disk Image(Software) Copy
  6. Then, of course, that is not all, because the new HDD is completely empty. We need to copy the contents in the old hdd to the new one. Here the point is that just a normal copy does not work, because the old one contains a bootable OS(Windows 7 Professional). Also there is a recovery system is on the HDD, which you can not access from the Windows normally.

    I used the system Rescue CD to use "dd" comand. The system Rescue CD is a linux based distribution to fix the problem or manipulate partitions on your HDD. I had used it before and it had worked well. It worked this time too. It took a whole day to disk image copy of 240GB.

    dd command result on system Rescue CD.(sorry blurred.)

  7. Done
  8. Boot it without problems. Everything is exactly the same only there is another 750GB space outside of the windows partition :) This time Microsoft has Windows 10 Upgrade campaign. I did it.

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